The Diana's Bow phase of the Moon finds us in Aquarius tonight...a lovely place to be in regarding new ideas and ventures and similar to the workings of the Goddess Diana, but kind of an exact dichotomy, as Aquarian energy is Yang and Masculine, but yet Diana...
Some of the other qualities of the Moon in Aquarius...Solar, Positive, Diurnal, Airy, Fixed, Horary Western, Wintery, Austral, Obeying, Human, Moist, Vocal, Sweet, Warm, Mental, Nervous, Hot.
Aquarius has always reminded me of electrical energy. Indeed, even the glyph for the sign looks like an antennae, one only has to envision electric bolts coming out from the sides...the pinkish lightning coming out of a dark storm cloud, the quick movement of frequencies, TV signals, drawing people together by INFORMING them, EXCHANGES of information, creating community.
The Moon in Aquarius in Her New Moon phase means new ways and abilities and thought processes for fixing the global state of things, having an ecumenical world view, using high tech methods to accomplish spread these thoughts around. What is really important is gathering like minded people, taking notice of those events and happenings around us, in our community and in our world...peace and social justice are key in the community as well as globally or both will not thrive...small scale or large scale, what happens in community affects all that are a part of it...
The Moon in Aquarius...remember, the Moon makes us PASSIONATE and EMOTIONAL about whatever the qualities are of the sign it is in...
Get ready to watch this spectacular light show in several days time...January 4rth will be the peak date!
The Quadrantid Meteor Shower
The Quadrantid meteor shower is one of the year's best. It regularly produces 100+ meteors per hour, yet the shower is seldom observed. Why? One reason is weather. The shower peaks in early January when northern skies are cold and cloudy. The shower's radiant is located high in the northern sky, so observers in the southern hemisphere, where the weather might be more favorable...
Read more:
From the Tarotlaydee:
The following is a great essay and very apropos for the Dark Time of the Year!
The Veil as seen through the eyes of a Witch
Written by Crick: HP, Whispering Woods Coven
As I near my twilight years I begin to think of death. Not as a final stage, but rather as a doorway standing before me. The door is closed but through it I shall enter, as we all must at some point in time.
Such a time, is decided upon by our Sacred Mother, for it is she who sends her children forth into the Chautauqua of Life. And it is she who calls them back home.
For some the journey is but a moment in time, like a shooting star that appears ever so briefly. One of my sons was such a shining star, here and gone ever so quickly. Like a ripple across a quiet pond, he touched our hearts and then was gone. His moment of existence resonated in our souls like a song that will never end.
For others the stay is longer, like errant children with so much to learn. Perhaps it is life lessons to be repeated or maybe a lesson of our selves unto others. For we all are students of life, seeking to find the answers that allow us to grow. However, at the end of the day, it becomes time for us to return home.
Sometimes we face this return with trepidation, like children who want to stay out past dark. However it is children that we are and when our mother calls it is time to go home.
For our knowledge of what lies behind the door that leads through the veil is not a reality. We are like small children whose whole sense of reality has been confined to a small fenced in back yard. We have no real awareness of the whole wide world that lies just beyond our gate.
As we go through this life, we sometimes find ourselves in a state of physical pain. The reason for this I cannot fathom or answer as to why. For the ways of Deity, are not for us to know at this stage in our development. For us to have such knowledge is to be as one with our Sacred Mother. Perhaps the pain that such folks endure is a lesson from another life. Or perhaps it is the beginning of a lesson in this current life. We often feel love and compassion for those who experience such, and then perhaps that is the lesson intended for us.
In the end, only Deity has the answers to such. As it is, when it becomes my turn to stand before the door leading to the corridor of transition from this life to that, I can only hope that I do so with a sense of dignity.
The dear Goddess has given us many gifts in the way of experiences.
Some of these lessons were tinged with pain while others carried a note of joy. She has created a complex harmony with numerous opportunities to learn about ourselves and indeed to learn about others as well.
Many folks in this life will mill about at the foot of the mountain of life, their hearts and minds poisoned with fear of what lies ahead. And so their journey through this life will be compromised and with closed eyes, dwelling on what may or may not be.
I personally believe that this persona of fear has been initiated and exploited by those who would seek to control the thoughts and actions of those who succumb to such implanted paranoia's.
As a witch though, I walk through this existence as an individual. And will indeed climb to the top of the mountain of life, seeing each arduous step, as merely another stride in the spiritual growth that awaits each of us. And once the peak is reached I will extend my hands to the skies and whisper a heartfelt thank you to Deity. Thus in this manner, giving a sign of appreciation for the opportunity to have experienced the lessons of this realm as we become that much closer to the final goal of being one with Deity.
From the moment that we take our first breath, we are walking towards the door that leads through the veil. And so when Deity extends their hand and beckons me forth, I will do as was planned prior to my
existence in this realm.
Granted, there will be feelings of sadness, for one cannot enter this realm without creating a comfort zone composed of family and friends.
But then there will also be feelings of curiosity and anticipation and of course many unanswered questions.
For instance will Deity be awaiting our crossing with open arms?
Will those friends and family who have made the journey before us be waiting to greet and acclimate us to our new existence?
Will our Spirit Guides who have planted the seeds of lessons and watched as these lessons blossomed into new found knowledge be there to congratulate us?
Will there be yet other teachers and/or personas from ages past waiting to test us anew?
Will we be allowed to take a moment to contemplate the experiences garnered while in this realm or will we awaken in yet another existence as if our level of awareness was momentarily put on hold?
Will our existence in this realm resonate in our ken as but a moment in the over all framework of existence?
Of course all of these questions are pure speculation as we do not have the knowledge at this point in our spiritual growth to answer such musings.
But we do have the ability and knowledge as pagans to break away and reject the mind and heart numbing fear that others would impose upon us for their own limited and selfish devices.
Deity created this path of life, death and rebirth, not man. And therefore I place my trust in the grand scheme of things as designed by Deity rather then the tunnel vision of those who would pervert such ideals into something to be feared and distorted.
And so in summation, I will live my life as a Witch and when it comes time to walk through the veil, I will stroll through as a Witch…
The Skinny White Chick, SJ Tucker is scheduled to appear in Tampa!
Friday January 16, 2009 — 7:00pm to 10:00pm
Skinny White Chick presents The Traveling Fates
UU Church of Tampa
11400 Morris Bridge Road
Tampa, FL 33637
(813) 988-8188
$10-$15 suggested donation for these traveling grrlz
with Ginger Doss and Bekah Kelso
***SJ Tucker has had a recent hospital stay so this is a tentative appearance.
Please see her announcements and updates on her website here:
Connect with her on MySpace:
Under The Gypsy Moon
1500 N.Parsons Ave
Brandon FL, 33527
Phone: 813-689-7595.
Goddess Singer KELLIANNA will appear in concert on Feb (Friday) the 13th at the shop.
At 6 PM she will be signing CDs, the concert will be at 7:00 PM.
There are lots of new items as well, jewelry, Tarot decks, readings and candles.
See more about Under the Gypsy Moon right here:
If you have any questions, be sure to contact Tesha Miller, the General Manager.
The Diana's Bow Newsletter, copyright Anita Stewart aka the Tarotlaydee )0(, 2008
Use and reproduction for educational and informational purposes only.
The newsletter must be kept whole with links intact and proper credit given to all contributors.
This is also posted on the MySpace page here:
Tadgh 'Tady' [Robert Steingraber]
My beloved Golden Retriever and companion, Tadgh and quot;Tady and quot;
entered the Summerlands on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 after a sudden
illness of a...
6 years ago
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